Exploring South Africa one small town at a time.



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Finding cool, hidden gems and places you will love.


Tomorrow, Courtney and I will be off to Jacobs Bay – a small town along the West Coast route. Continue reading

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance – Nathaniel Branden

I’ve turned my back on the Public Relations industry and, I couldn’t be happier for the lack of a better word to walk away from a life I no longer aspire to continue doing. Continue reading

It amazes me how fast time is going by. When you start receiving emails from Management about the Christmas closing period, then you know that 2016 is slowly but surely saying goodbye. Continue reading

The West Coast National Park is one of the best parks to visit; particularly during the majestic flower season where fields are covered in all colours imaginable. Continue reading

Courtney has this event he goes to every year even before we met each other. The first two years I thoroughly enjoyed accommodating him to the Kinky Afro events; all dressed up in the old school theme. Continue reading

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